Lignol Receives Additional $1.82M

Published on: March 23, 2009

Lignol Energy Corporation (LEC.V), a company developing cellulosic
ethanol, has been awarded up to C$1.82 million in additional funding
contributions from Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC).

The award granted to Lignol Innovations Ltd. is in addition to
the C$4.42 million the company has already received from SDTC and will
be applied to continued development of an industrial-scale production

The facility is expected to be completed in 2Q09.

Lignol is one of the many green stocks covered in Progressive Investor. Click here to learn more

"The creation of bio-refineries, producing both cellulosic
ethanol and related co-products from non-food biomass feedstocks, is of
fundamental importance as Canada tries to move its economy forward,"
said SDTC President and CEO Vicky Sharpe. "The technology developed by
Lignol has the potential to bring Canada one step closer to this goal
and to secure its place as a global leader in the production of
next-generation biofuels."

SDTC is an arm’s-length foundation which has received $1.05
billion from the Government of Canada. SDTC operates two funds aimed at
the development and demonstration of innovative technological
solutions. The C$550 million SD Tech FundTM supports projects that
address climate change, air quality, clean water, and clean soil. The
C$500 million NextGen Biofuels FundTM supports the establishment of
first-of-kind large demonstration-scale facilities for the production
of next-generation renewable fuels.

SDTC operates as a not-for-profit corporation.

Lignol’s modified solvent based pre-treatment technology facilitates
the rapid, high-yield conversion of cellulose to ethanol and the
production of value-added biochemical co-products, including a HP-L(TM)
High Purity Lignin. Lignol is executing on its development plan through
strategic partnerships to further develop and integrate its core
technologies on a commercial scale.

Lignol also intends to invest in, or otherwise obtain, equity interests
in energy related projects which have synergies with its biorefining

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