BrightSource Signs Another Big Agreement

Published on: March 19, 2009

Commercial-scale solar thermal developer BrightSource Energy has inked another major deal, according to reports, this time with Nevada developer Harvey Whittemore. 

According to an Associated Press report, the two parties have reached an agreement for a solar-thermal project to provide up to 600 megawatts (MW) of power for Whittemore’s Coyote Springs development and other markets in Nevada and California.

No financial terms were disclosed.

The planned location for the project is a six-square-mile site in Lincoln County, Nevada. 

Representatives said the project has already received many of the necessary permits and will be on line by 2012. 

BrightSource has been on a bit of a roll, signing a deal in February with Southern California Edison (NYSE: EIX) for 1,300MW of power. The company also signed a major deal with Pacific Gas and Electric Company (NYSE: PCG) in April 2008.

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