Washington State Considering Feed-in Tariff

Published on: February 3, 2009

Washington State is considering creating a feed-in tariff for all
renewable energy technologies, following the introduction earlier this
month of HB 1086, by representative John McCoy. 

The bill would require public utilities to purchase electricity
at set rates from renewable energy systems owned by individuals,
businesses or local governments.

The bill is modeled after Germany’s successful Renewable Energy
Sources Act.

Earlier this month, the California Energy Commission (CEC) accepted a staff recommendation to implement a feed-in tariff for renewable energy projects up to 20 megawatts (MW).

Gainesville, Florida commissioners recently approved a solar feed-in tariff of $0.32 per kWh for solar power–a rate that is comparable with feed-in tariffs that boosted the solar industry in Germany. 

Other state considering feed-in tariffs include Minneosta, Michigan and Indiana.

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