Trina Solar Unveils UMG Line of Panels

Published on: February 3, 2009

Trina Solar (NYSE: TSL) has developed a new product line fully based on Upgraded Metallurgical Grade (UMG) silicon material. UMG is a lower grade polysilicon feedstock that offers the benefit of reduced cost.

Trina Solar is one of the first vertically integrated solar manufacturers to offer a UMG-based module product.

"Our UMG-based product is currently meeting our targeted conversion efficiency levels of approximately 14%, and offers advantage via its competitively lower silicon cost component. Customer benefits include a significantly lower module system investment cost compared to our standard high efficiency module lines," Jifan Gao, Trina Solar’s Chairman and CEO, said.

The Company further announced that the UMG module products will be produced using existing manufacturing lines and will be marketed and sold under a separate brand, backed by a 20-year warranty. Initial sales are expected in the current fourth quarter, with increasing production planned throughout 2009.

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