Senate Committee Outlines Stimulus Spending

Published on: February 4, 2009

The U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations released figures for spending in the Senate’s version of the proposed economic stimulus bill.

They have crafted the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to include $888 billion in investments and tax cuts. Of that total $88 billion are allocated for "Job-creating Investments for an Energy Independent America."

This includes:

–$33 billion in green energy tax incentives for renewable enerfy
–$6 billion for repair of federal buildings to increase energy efficiency.  
–$5.4 billion in tax incentives for conservation and green energy use.
–$4.6 billion for Fossil Energy research and development. 
–$4.5 billion for smart-grid related activities.
–$4.2 billion for Energy Efficiency and Conservation Grants.  
–$2.9 billion for the Weatherization Assistance Program.  
–$2.6 billion for energy efficiency and renewable energy research. 
–$2 billion in grant funding for advanced batteries systems.  
–$1.6 billion for grants to make schools and hospitals more energy efficient. 
–$10 billion for new loan guarantees aimed at renewable projects such as wind or solar projects and for electricity transmission projects.  

Additional funds are ear-marked for "Environmental Clean-Up/Clean Water"

–$6.4 billion is directed towards environmental cleanup of former weapon production and energy research
–$6 billion for local clean and drinking water infrastructure improvements.
–$1.4 billion for EPA’s nationwide environmental cleanup programs, including Superfund.
–$1.4 billion to support $3.8 billion in loans and grants for needed water and waste disposal facilities in rural areas. 

The House passed their version of the bill. See a breakdown of the House’s proposed cleantech spending

Objections to Senate Support For Clean Coal and Nuclear

Environmentalists yesterday objected to what they say is additional energy funding in the Senate’s bill for nuclear and coal power. 

Physicians for Social Responsibility, Earthjustice, Greenpeace, the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Sierra Club and more than a dozen other environmental and advocacy groups have sent a letter to senators objecting to added provisions that would provide funding for nuclear and coal energy.

It was not obvious to, where those funds are located in the figures supplied by the Appropriations Committee (see link below). Environment Georgia sent an e-mail to supporters saying the $50 billion was "buried in the fine print."

The advocacy groups said $50 billion is set aside in loan guarantees for the nuclear energy industry, $2 billion for "near zero emissions" coal power plants, and $1 billion for the Department of Energy´s Clean Coal Power Initiative.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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