Republican Senator Backs Gas Tax – Editorial

Published on: February 4, 2009

Support for a national gas tax may be growing. On Sunday, Senator Richard Lugar (R-Ind.) published an editorial in the Washington Post supporting the creation of a gas tax to be offset with a decrease in payroll tax. 

The idea is to discourage gasoline consumption, while driving innovation.

"Pricing gasoline to reflect its true cost to the nation would help spur a vast market in which oil alternatives such as advanced biofuels would become competitive and innovation would flourish," Lugar wrote.

He said cutting the payroll tax, which disproportionately affects the lowest-paid employees, would raise the take-home pay of the nation’s workers. 

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman also supported the creation of a gas tax in a recent editorial, calling it a "win-win."

Read Lugar’s column at the link below.

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Comments on “Republican Senator Backs Gas Tax – Editorial”

  1. John G.

    An additional gas tax should be labeled a military tax. The government should recoup all military costs related to protecting our oil interests. We should also add a small tax to pay for the health related effects caused by vehicle smog. These taxes would reflect the real cost of bringing gas to the pumps and then burning it in the air.


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