Polar Ice Is Melting Faster – Scientists

Published on: February 26, 2009

Polar regions are warming much faster than previously thought, meaning drastic global climate change is more likely and higher sea level rise, international scientists said on Wednesday.

These scientists summarized the findings of hundreds of studies conducted under the umbrella of the United Nations-backed research project called the International Polar Year (IPY). 

More than 63 countries and some 10,000 scientists took part in the $1.5 billion program, which began in March 2007 and ends next month.

The IPY believes that seas will rise higher than predicted by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, due to surprising melting polar ice sheets.

"But it now appears certain that both the Greenland and the Antarctic ice sheets are losing mass and thus raising sea level, and that the rate of ice loss from Greenland is growing," a preliminary report states.

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