Podcast: Green Week in Review – February 6, 2009

Published on: February 6, 2009

The Green Week in Review
is a podcast, hosted by SustainableBusiness.com News Editor Bart King.
It’s posted every Friday morning and is about 15 minutes long. You can
listen to it through your browser or download it to a portable MP3
player. Sign up for our General News RSS Feed and it will be automatically downloaded to your computer’s media player each week.

In this week’s show…

White House Watch — Interior Secretary Ken Salazar cancels contested drilling leases granted under the Bush administration in Utah. Energy Secretary Steven Chu warns that California is in peril from Climate Change. Joe Biden heads up a new jobs task force. And a New York Times editorial suggests that the administration return to the Supreme Court’s 2007 ruling on the Clean Air Act.

Hybrid power plants reduce fossil fuel usage by introducing concentrating solar power. FPL is working on one, and so is Israeli startup Aora.

News from around the states: Wind power transmission in Texas; legislative initiatives in Michigan and Georgia.

Plus, as always, a quick review of top cleantech stories from the week.


The music in today’s program is from the CD Live Steamboat Bill Jr by Athens, GA-based experimental jazz combo Kenosha Kid.

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