Michigan Governor Presents 'Bold' Energy Plan

Published on: February 5, 2009

In her State of the State address Tuesay, Michigan’s Governor Jennifer Granholm announced sweeping changes that could make Michigan a leader on clean, alternative energy. The Governor’s new plan will effectively put the brakes on Michigan’s new coal plants, while also spurring renewable energy and efficiency for homes and schools.

Some specifics of the plan include:

  • Reducing dependence on fossil fuels 45% by 2020
  • Requiring all new coal plant developers to go back to the drawing board and consider clean energy alternatives
  • Weatherization of at least 100,000 homes and 1,000 schools
  • Promotion of distributive generation, including wind and solar on schools

Under this proposal, Michigan would dramatically expand the use of in-state renewable resources–both through utility-scale applications as well as through a proposed "feed-in tariff" for residential and business customers.

The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) commended Granholm for the "bold" proposal.

"If fully implemented, this bold proposal would jump Michigan into the front row among states," ACEEE Utilities Program Director Dr. Martin Kushler, said.

In Related News…

Georgia, a state not known for progressive positions on environmental issues, has the opportunity to make a stand against coal-fired power plants and mountaintop removal coal mining practices.

State Rep. Mary Margaret Oliver (D-Decatur) on Tuesday introduced House Bill 276, which would put a five-year moratorium on the building of new coal-fired power plants in the state and require existing coal-fired plants to phase out coal acquired from mountaintop removal in central Appalachia.

Read more at the link below.


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