Israeli Solar Company Plans 80MW PV System

Published on: February 16, 2009

The Israel Electric Company approved a plan to build an 80 megawatts (MW) photovoltaic  power plant, which could be the largest in the world upon completion, according to a report in The Jerusalem Post

Arava Power, a joint venture of Kibbutz Ketura and foreign investors, plans to build the power plant at a cost of about $400 million.

Currently the world’s largest photovoltaic system is a 40 MW array in Germany. 

The solar panels will be erected on approximately 370 acres owned by 15 kibbutzim–collective communities traditionally based around agriculture. The land must first be re-zoned for power production use. 

The Israel Electric Company said it would take about four years to build a transmission line to connect the photovoltaic field to the national grid.

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