Ireland Sets 10% EV Goal

Published on: February 11, 2009

The Irish government wants 10% of vehicles in country to be electric by 2020. Energy and Transport ministers have set a goal of roughly 250,000 cars over the next 12 in the hopes of drawing foreign investement.

The plan allows businesses to write off 100% of the purchase cost of the vehcles. It also creates a EUR 1 million project by to research, develop and demonstrate vehicles; and it estabishes a national task force to examin infrastructure options to support the adoption of electric vehicles. 

It’s not clear whether the government’s goal applies only to all-electric vehicles or if it also includes plug-in electric hybrids that operate part-time on internal combustion engines.

Enery Minister Eamon Ryan said, “The Irish Government is signalling its intentions to national and international players that Ireland is ‘open for business’. We are positioning ourselves as a centre for electric vehicles.

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