Fuel Cell Industry To Develop Standards

Published on: February 24, 2009

The US Fuel Cell Council (USFCC) is working to standardize testing for the energy-generation devices–a move that could indicate a shift from a proprietary research phase into cooperative efforts aimed at moving the entire industry forward.

The USFCC will start round?robin predictive testing of selected Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell gasket materials this month. The testing program is the culmination of more than two years of work to identify critical gasket performance parameters, identify appropriate ASTM test protocols and select candidate gasket materials.

While the The USFCC expects individual manufacturers to perform their own tests, the use of standardized testing protocols is intended to establish a baseline for gasket performance reporting that can be used across the industry.  Results are expected later in 2009, with reporting at an industry symposium late in the year.

Four manufacturers of Gasket materials were asked to participate: Henkel (HEN.DE), Wacker Chemical (WCH.F), Dana Holding Corporation (NYSE: DAN), and Michigan Adhesive Mfg. Inc.

Cerium Laboratories has also agreed to perform some tests.

"The industry cooperation shown by these manufacturers and laboratories is a sign of the priority they place on fuel cell technologies. Their willingness to help establish an industry baseline for gasket performance shows that fuel cell technology has progressed beyond the proprietary research phase into cooperative industry research for the benefit of all," Robert Wichert, Fuel Cell Council Technical Director, said.

The USFCC is an industry association dedicated to fostering the commercialization of fuel cells in the United States.

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