Climate Change Coming Faster Than Expected

Published on: February 16, 2009

Current efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions will do little to ease the impacts of climate change, and long-term adaptation must begin now, according to a new report by the
Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE).

The report: Climate Change: Adapting to the Inevitable, explores whether the
impending Copenhagen conference in November 2009 will make any difference in the enormous
challenge facing societies.

In a month’s time IMechE will launch its three-pronged plan to a select group of MPs in an
urgent bid to start implementing long-term adaptation.

IMechE warns that if CO2 emissions
are not slashed, then within 30 years temperatures are predicted to rise by 2 degrees–by
which time, the report says, reducing emissions will be too little, too late.

In Related News…

Not a single region of the planet reduced greenhouse gas emissions over the period from 2000 to 2008, and climate change is coming on much faster than earlier predictions, according to a report given this weekend at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Christopher Field of the Carnegie Institution for Science said climate change is "now outside the entire envelope of possibilities" considered in the 2007 report of the International Panel on Climate Change. 

Read the full report at the link below.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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Comments on “Climate Change Coming Faster Than Expected”

  1. JCSpilman

    There are several comments that I would like to make about “Global
    Warming” and “Global Climate Change”.

    FIRST — is that this is NOT a new effect. It has occurred five times
    during the past 400,000 years! The basic cause is Methane (CH4) and
    NOT Carbon Dioxide (CO2). The present global warming cycle began
    about the time man was crossing the frozen land bridge from Siberia to
    North America.

    We need to understand the sources of Methane that are actually the
    basic cause of our global warming. Anything that has grown, from yard
    clippings to a decaying body, produces methane as it decomposes.
    Methane gas from permafrost is a decay product. Methane gas from the
    deep ocean (methane hydrate) is totally different.

    Methane gas from oil wells is yet a very different composition. These
    must all be recognized as such and understood as to their manner of
    existence, production, and/or release.

    Deep Sea Methane appears to be the waste product of a bacteriological
    process, and therefore, is therefore a renewable resource! ( See
    Reference 2) It is a relative clean product of our environment. It
    has recently been produced in continuous commercial quantities by
    American & Japanese scientists in Canada in 2008. It is this Methane
    gas that has been bubbling up, for eons, from the continental shelfs
    around the world that is the real culprit and basic cause of our
    present situation.

    Oil well Methane gas is a very dirty gas mixture — it is methane with
    huge amounts of sulfur and other noxious gases mixed with it. The
    Methane often mentioned in the media as “Bubbling up from Undersea
    Permafrost” is a decay product. It is NOT from a Hydrate!

    NEXT — Drastic Global Climate Change has taken place at least FIVE
    different times during the last 400,000 years. Our present cycle is
    the only one during which man has been a factor! (Ref. 1) Methane
    gas which bubbles up continuously from the deep ocean sources (which
    in turn disassociates into CO2) is the true source of the “Greenhouse
    Gas” that has operated in the previous five interglacial cycles — all
    of which have been extinction cycles! As will this one!

    These five previous cycles are NOT man made effects, nor is the
    present cycle, and it IS TOO LATE to change our present cycle, We can
    only learn to adapt! We cannot STOP the process although we might slow
    it down for a few years, which in geological time is nothing.


    There are several prime references associated with the material that I
    have covered, if ever so briefly.

    (1) EARTH’s CHANGING CLIMATE. Lecture Series by Dr. Richard
    Wolfson, the Benjamin F. Wissler Professor of Physics at Middlebury
    College. This is a six hour lecture series (12 segments of 30 minutes
    each) on two DVDs produced by The Teaching Company of Chantilly VA

    This series covers in-depth detail of the science and methodology of
    climate change. It is not an advocacy program. Interestingly, Dr.
    Wolfson does not even mention Methane-Clatherate in this lecture
    series — knowledge on that subject is almost too new to have been
    included. It was first discovered on a moon of Venus by NASA about
    1985. At the time we did not even know that it existed on Earth!

    (2) FIRE IN THE ICE. Quarterly Journal , U.S.Department of Energy,
    Office of Fossil Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory. Also
    known as Methane Hydrate Newsletter. Recommended reading is all
    issues to current issue from about 2000 forward. This is the best of
    several technical journals devoted to the science of Methane

    (3) HIGH TIDE by Mark Lynas. Picador, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY.
    10010. ISBN 0-312-30365-3. This well written book clarifies the
    problems of Global Warming “… The American People have been subjected
    to one of the most pervasive misinformation campaigns ever undertaken

    (4) WITH SPEED AND VIOLENCE [Why Scientists Fear Tipping Points in
    Climate Change] by Fred Pearce. Beacon Press; 25 Beacon Street;
    Boston, MA 02108. © 2007. “We are on the precipice of climate system
    tipping points beyond which there is no redemption”

    JCSpilman, P.E. Huntsville, AL


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