Americans Know Gas Prices Will Rise – Survey

Published on: February 4, 2009

Despite the decline of pump prices from $3.50 in April 2008 to $1.90 today, a 
large majority of Americans remain concerned about gas prices (76%) and
dependence on Middle-Eastern oil (76%), according to the latest Consumer Federation of America (CFA)
energy survey.

Moreover, in their next car purchase, they intend to
buy a vehicle with fuel economy averaging five miles per gallon greater than the mileage of
their current vehicle, the survey found.

"The persistence of great concern about gas prices and dependence on oil imports shows
a strong base of public support for significant improvements in motor vehicle fuel economy,"
said CFA Research Director and energy expert Mark Cooper.

Between February 2005 and January 2009, CFA has commissioned seven energy surveys
undertaken by the Opinion Research Corporation. Each survey included a representative sample
of more than 1,000 adult Americans and had a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage
Each survey has asked the question: "Thinking about the next five years, how concerned,
personally, are you about the following three issues: gasoline prices, U.S. dependence on Mid
Eastern oil and global warming?"

Public opinion on these issues has
varied little. On both gas prices and oil import dependency, large majorities have expressed
concern and majorities have expressed great concern. On global warming, from May 2005 on, a
majority have expressed concern.

In April 2008 and this past month, survey respondents were also asked the likely gas
mileage of the next motor vehicle they plan to purchase. Their response (sample average) was
30 mpg last year and 29 mpg this past month even though the price of gas dropped from $3.50
in April 2008 to $1.90 in January 2009. In both surveys, they reported that their current vehicles
got 24 mpg.

Apparently, one reason they intend to purchase a more fuel efficient vehicle is their
attitude towards future gas prices. Future car purchasers estimated that gas would be $3.07 per
gallon (sample average) when they made their purchase, with only 7% saying it would be
under $2.00.

"Nearly all Americans expect gas prices to increase in the future," said CFA’s
“Unfortunately, consumers are going to be sorely disappointed when they look at the
2009 models. Currently, of the nearly 1,200 2009 models with an EPA mpg rating, only 1.4%
get over 30 miles per gallon. Five years ago, there were more vehicles with over 30 mpg than in
2009 (20 in 2005 vs. 17 today),” said Gillis.

When asked whether they are driving more or less than a year ago, despite much lower
gas prices today, 37% said less, and only 15 % more, with 44% saying "about
the same."

"At least to date, Americans view low gas prices as an aberration," said Gillis.
"Expecting higher gas prices in the future, they are adjusting their driving habits as well as
planning to purchase more fuel efficient vehicles," he added. “Stronger fuel efficiency standards
not only respond to clear consumer expectations but will be critical to the survival of the U.S.
auto industry,” said Gillis.

President Obama last month directed the Department of Transportation to move forward with standards to improve the efficiency of vehicles nationwide starting with the model year 2011. 

In related news…

The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) yesterday released environmental ratings for model year 2009 vehicles.

This year’s greenest title goes once again to Honda’s natural gas-powered Civic GX. The Toyota Prius and Honda Civic Hybrid claim spots two and three, while the Smart Fortwo Convertible, the Toyota Yaris, and the Nissan Altima Hybrid complete the top six.

View the list of "greenest" and "meanest" vehicles at the link below.

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