Toshiba Creates Solar Division

Published on: January 6, 2009

Toshiba Corporation (6502.T) today announced its full-scale entry into the solar photovoltaic systems business. On January 1, the company established the Photovoltaic Systems Division to respond to a growing demand for solar photovoltaic systems.

Toshiba said the division will focus on securing orders for large megawatt-scale solar power generation systems. It will also seek to take advantage of its power supply and storage products, such as its Super Charge Ion Battery (SCiB)

Toshiba also hopes to employ its experience in system integration,
particularly in connecting generation systems to distribution
systems–both in microgrids that connect and manage dispersed
small-scale solar power generation sources and in large plant system

Toshiba said it expects to achieve an annual business scale of about 200 billion yen (approximately US$2.2 billion) by fiscal year 2015.

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