Schwarzenegger Favors Jobs Over Environment

Published on: January 16, 2009

Arnold Schwarzenegger has gained hero-like status with environmentalists for his leadership in addressing climate change over the course of his two terms as California Governor. 

However, in an effort to boost jobs in the state, many believe he has crossed the line, putting infrastructure development ahead of environmental protection.

The governor wants the legislature to suspend environmental review to fast-track certain public works projects, including two freeway projects at the center of legal battles over air pollution. 

Schwarzenegger said it is about "jobs, jobs, jobs," but environmentalists said it undermines the environmental protection goals of the state. 

"We have created a separate branch of government so these disputes are decided on the facts and the law in a way that’s isolated from the political process," Tom Adams, president of the California League of Conservation Voters, said said. "It’s completely inappropriate for the administration to go to the political branch and have them start meddling in a lawsuit."

Read full coverage at the link below and please share your comments on this issue, which is likely to emerge in many states over the next year.

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