Republicans Can Back Carbon Tax – Editorial

Published on: January 2, 2009

Fiscal conservative Republicans would gladly trade a carbon tax for a reduction in payroll or income taxes, according to an editorial in the New York Times, written by Representative Bob Inglis (R-S.C.) and Arthur B. Laffer, a former Reagan advisor.

They state that conservatives do not have to agree that humans are causing climate change to recognize a sensible energy solution.

"We need to impose a tax on the thing we want less of (carbon dioxide) and reduce taxes on the things we want more of (income and jobs). A carbon tax would attach the national security and environmental costs to carbon-based fuels like oil, causing the market to recognize the price of these negative externalities," the two Republicans argue.

Read the full editorial at the link below.

Please share your comments–Would Congressional leaders and the Obama administration go for an offset carbon tax instead of a cap-and-trade system?

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