Perfectenergy Signs $150M Supply Deal

Published on: January 20, 2009

Perfectenergy International Limited (PFGY.OB), a manufacturer of photovoltaic solar cells, modules and systems, announced that its subsidiary, Perfectenergy (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., has entered into a sales contract valued at more than $150 million with solar integrator Abidas AG of Germany.

Abidas will purchase 50 megawatts (MW) of mono-crystalline solar modules from Perfectenergy which are scheduled for delivery over the next four quarters of 2009. Perfectenergy says that the prices reflect market conditions and are fixed until June 2009, when they will be fixed again based on market developments.

Perfectenergy’s total PV module order-backlog since October 2008 exceeds $170 million for calendar year of 2009.

The photovoltaic modules will be manufactured at Perfectenergy’s 60-megawatt factory in Shanghai, China. Perfectenergy began producing its solar products in 2005 from its 67,000-square-foot production facility located in Shanghai, China, and currently sells its products throughout Europe and Asia. Perfectenergy said it currently has fixed sufficient silicon supplies for meeting its production demands for 2009.

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