Florida PSC Recommends 20 by 20 Goal

Published on: January 13, 2009

Following months of debate the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) voted unanimously Friday to support a target goal of 20% renewable energy in the state by 2020.

This is the deadline favored by Governor Charlie Crist and environmentalists.

The PSC will send its recommendation to the state legislature. It will also recommend a schedule beginning in 2012. Regulated utility companies will be required to provide 7% renewable energy that year, increasing to 12% by 2015 and 18% by 2018.

The PSC set a tougher schedule than the 2041 deadline recommended by its staff. Commissioners said it was their duty to set ambitious goals, but also to protect ratepayers.

The PSC did not make a recommendation on the issues of nuclear power and carbon capture for coal-fired power plants. Advocates of these power sources want the state to adopt a "clean" power standard instead of a "renewable" standard, the effect of which would be to allow these sources to contribute to the 20% goal.

The PSC passed on the issues, leaving them for the state legislature to decide.

In Related News…

Israel on Monday committed to producing 10% of its electricity from renewable energy sources by 2020. The country’s socio-economic cabinet, headed by Finance Minister Roni Bar-On, also set an interim target of 5% by 2014.

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