Efficiency Gets Due Respect

Published on: January 8, 2009

Efficiency is finally getting the attention it deserves as the first solution for addressing fossil-fuel dependence and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 

Time magazine heralds efficiency as "America’s Untapped Energy Resource" in a recent issue.

The article points out that the the Alliance to Save Energy calculates that without the efficiency gains made in the U.S. since the last energy crisis, in 1973, our economy would use nearly 50% more energy today. The statistic is used to point out that the nation as a whole can do much more to reduce its energy intensity.

On an international scale, one study found that a global effort to boost efficiency, using existing technologies, could reduce world energy demand 20% by 2020. 

Let’s hope this is the marks the tipping point in energy conservation awareness. Read the full article at the link below.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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Comments on “Efficiency Gets Due Respect”

  1. John G

    Absolutely, efficiency has to rank as job #1. If we can be more efficient we can postpone building of new electricity generation plants. Instead, we could work on replacing coal-fired and nuke plants with renewal energy generation.


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