Times Square Ball Gets LED Makeover

Published on: December 23, 2008

The Times Square New Year celebrations in New York City will have some interesting green elements this year.

The 2009 sign that will light up after the ball drops at midnight will be partially powered by stationary bicycles. Duracell has set up a "power lodge" in Times Square where visitors can hop on a bicycle to generate power that is being stored in batteries for the big night. 

The initiative is more about raising awareness than saving electricity though. Organizers estimate they need about 230 hours of people-powered pedaling to power the sign for 10 to 15 minutes of the live broadcast. So far they have stored about 95 pedal hours, according to a Reuters report. 

The other, more significant element is the ball itself, which will be lit with light emittoing diodes (LEDs) for the first time this year–9, 576 to be exact. 

Last years ball had 600 halogen bulbs. According to a New York Times report, each single LED on the new ball will be as bright as a halogen bulb and 87% more efficient.

Read more about the new ball at the link below, and tell us what you think about this type of ‘green’ publicity in our comments section.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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