Spire Wins $55M Contract to Provide Solar Cells to Prison-Based Module Factory

Published on: December 11, 2008

Spire Corporation (Nasdaq: SPIR), a solar company providing turnkey solar factories and capital equipment, announced that it has received a contract worth almost $55 million from the Federal Prison Industries, Inc (UNICOR) to supply solar cells for the solar module factory the company installed at the Federal Correctional Institution (FCI) in Otisville, New York.

UNICOR is a government-owned corporation authorized to operate industries in federal correctional institutions and disciplinary barracks throughout the United States. The Spire-supplied turnkey module line at FCI Otisville is to be operated by inmates who will be trained to find employment in the rapidly growing United States solar industry. Modules manufactured at FCI Otisville will be sold for government installations.

Successful performance of the factory may lead to similar factories at other UNICOR locations.

Roger G. Little, Chairman and CEO of Spire Corporation said, "We are excited to win this solar cell supply contract with UNICOR, which complements our existing services to UNICOR in supplying not only the turnkey module manufacturing line, but also the process technology and training to operate the line, as well as assistance in qualifying the factory and its modules to international standards and certification."

Todd Baldau, Public Information Officer for UNICOR said, "UNICOR recognizes the potential for module production to serve the United States Federal Government. It is important to enter quickly and have the factory running, staff and inmates trained, and certification completed."

UNICOR is a self-sustaining, self-funded corporation established in 1934 by executive order to create a voluntary, real world work program to train federal inmates. UNICOR contributes to the safety and security of our Nation’s correctional facilities by keeping inmates constructively occupied; produce market-price quality goods and services for sale to the Federal Government; operate in a self-sustaining manner; and minimize its impact on private business and labor.

Spire Corporation is a global solar company providing turnkey production lines and capital equipment to manufacture photovoltaic modules and cells worldwide. Spire Semiconductor provides processing technology for Spire’s silicon solar cell manufacturing lines and offers custom gallium arsenide cells for solar concentrator systems.

Website: http://www.spirecorp.com     
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