Shell Acquires Emissions Specialists, Cansolv Technologies

Published on: December 8, 2008

Shell Global Solutions International B.V., a division of Royal Dutch Shell plc (NYSE: RDS-B) has acquired 100% of the shares of Cansolv Technologies Inc., a provider of technologies designed to counter air pollution.

Cansolv offers technology for the control of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and other contaminants as well as a carbon dioxide (CO2) capture process for greenhouse gas reductions.

"Cansolv’s promising capabilities in CO2 capture will also allow us to further explore post-combustion carbon capture technology and solutions. We must ‘learn by doing’ in order to reduce costs, accelerate technology development and ultimately make carbon capture and storage commercially viable on the back of emissions trading schemes," Greg Lewin, President of Shell Global Solutions, said.

Cansolve already has a system on the market, called the Cansolve SO2 Scrubbing System, for removing sulpher dioxide from cumbustion gases.

Cansolv’s offices are located in Canada (Montréal) and China (Shenzhen). All employees will be retained. The company will become fully integrated into Shell Global Solutions over time, according to a release.

Cansolv Technologies Incorporated was formed in 1997, through a management buyout from Union Carbide Corporation, to commercialise and market the Cansolv(R) SO(2) Scrubbing System. The company now counts seven units in operation, with several more in the construction or engineering phase. The Cansolv(R) SO(2) Scrubbing System has been adopted by industries such as oil and gas and non-ferrous metals. Cansolv Technologies has maintained a strong research and development strategy, which has resulted in the development of solvents for CO(2) capture.

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