IBM, Harvard To Use Worldwide Computer Network For Solar Power Research

Published on: December 9, 2008

IBM (NYSE: IBM) and researchers from Harvard University plan to emloy idle computers around the world to discover organic materials that could create a more efficient and lower cost solar cell. The path-breaking effort will use the World Community Grid to do the analytical work.

"World Community Grid members will make this research possible because of the incredibly large amount of free computing power we will receive," said Alan Aspuru-Guzik, the principal investigator and a professor in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, at Harvard. "It would take us about 100 days of computational time to screen each of the thousands of compounds for electronic properties without the power of World Community Grid. Yet with World Community Grid’s free computing power, augmented by cloud computing, the project is estimated to complete in 2 years what would have taken 22 years to run on a regular scientific cluster."

The research hopes to discover and isolate organic molecules that when combined can convert more sunlight into electricity and thus produce solar cells much more inexpensively.

Current silicon-based solar cells are only about 20% efficient and cost about $3 per watt of electricity generated.

"IBM believes that this important new study powered by World Community Grid could provide the planet with a smarter solution to the problem of low cost solar technology," Stanley Litow, Vice President, IBM, Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Affairs and President of the IBM International Foundation. "This project marks an expanded direction to help our society by reducing our dependence on fossil fuels to make a lasting impact by hopefully finding new sources of clean energy."

World Community Grid is the largest public humanitarian grid in existence with more than 413,000-plus members who represent more than 200 countries and links to more than one million computers. It is the volunteers that help make the difference because as each one shares their computer time, scientists are able to conduct their research faster.

To become of member of World Community Grid and donate unused computer time, individuals register on the website below, which will install a free, small, secure software program onto their computers.
When computers are idle, data is requested from World Community Grid’s
server. These computers then perform the computations, and send the
results back to the server, prompting it for a new piece of work. A
screen saver will tell individuals when their computers are being used.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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