Clinton Global Initiative Attracts Environmental Commitments in Asia

Published on: December 4, 2008

Commitments to greenhouse gas emissions cuts, forest protection, education and job training were announced yesterday at the conclusion of the first Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) meeting in Asia.

Closing the two-day meeting in Hong Kong, former U.S. President Bill Clinton said, "I am truly impressed by our Clinton Global Initiative members and the new commitments announced this week that will bring real, measurable change to millions lives in Asia and across the world."

"CGI Asia members have made commitments worth an estimated total value of $185 million, to positively impact more than 10 million lives," he added.

Current and former heads of state participating in the meeting focused on the three main topics: education, energy & climate change and public health. The program also acknowledged the current economic climate with a plenary session on coping with the financial crisis.

The World Food Programme made six different CGI commitments involving 8 countries and valued at $20 million dollars. It will focus on feeding more people with better food, targeting vulnerable groups in emergency and post-disaster situations and long-term food security.

Environmental initiatives include The BAIF Development Research Foundation’s commitment of $30,700 over two years to integrate an educational program on climate change in 10,000 rural schools in Northern India and 5,000 in Maharashtra state; reaching 500,000 children over the span of two years.

Mlup Baitong, along with its partners, is committing US$110,000 over three years to reduce degradation of natural resources in Cambodia by coordinating and implementing a Community Based Forestry Management (CBFM) project in Kampong Thom province. and its partners committed $1 million over 2 years to host China’s first "Green Car Show" which will be carbon-neutral, and to hold a climate change competition to encourage environmentally-friendly behavior.

GeoHazards International, India’s National Disaster Management Authority, GeoHazards Society, ProVention Consortium, EHDD Architecture, University of New Mexico, Rutherford & Chekene Structural Engineering, Stanford University Chapter of Engineers for a Sustainable World, and the National Centre for Peoples’ Action in Disaster Preparedness commit $5 million over 5 years to improve the earthquake-resistance and energy efficiency of schools and health clinics in Northern India and other Asian countries.

According to CGI, impacts of the commitments made at this meeting include the protection of 24,000 hectares of forest land, the reduction of 40,000 tons of CO2 emissions, and safe drinking water for half a million people.

The Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) was established in 2005 to bring together global leaders to devise and implement innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

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