Australian Sustainability Award Winners Announced

Published on: December 10, 2008

Office supply and services company Corporate Express Australia (CXP.ASX) was named the Sustainable Company of the Year by the Australian Sustainability Awards, which recognize best practices in corporate sustainability across Australian Stock Exchange Listed companies.

Corporate Express was nominated for its exemplary supply chain program, which the company has now implemented throughout its top 100 suppliers and for its 400-plus green products line. Judges also commended Corporate Express for its outstanding environmental and labour relations record.

Blackmores (BKL.ASX) won the Sustainable Small Company of the year Award. The health and food supplements company was cited as an "example of a company where the welfare and development of staff are at the fore of business." The company has also taken significant steps to reduce its impact on the environment.

"This small company is an established, profitable, dividend-paying leader in its industry," said Professor Steve Keen of the University of Western Sydney, who was a keynote speaker at the awards.

  • Other Corporate Awards were:
  • Environment: AGL Energy (AGK.ASX)
  • Social-Community: Lend Lease (LLC.ASX)
  • Labour Relations: SP Ausnet (SPN.ASX)
  • Corporate Governance – Westpac Banking Corporation (WBC.ASX)


Financial Services Industry Awards

A very close contest saw three finalists, Christian Super, VicSuper and Hesta, receive above average scores from the judges across five assessment criteria: their level of engagement in responsible investment sector initiatives; investment in sustainable investment funds/mandates; the extent they require their other fund managers to integrates ESG factors into their investment process; proxy voting and corporate engagement and their own level of corporate ethics and CSR.

Having received an honorable mention in last year’s awards, Christian Super became this year’s Sustainable Super Fund of the Year.

Making the award, Dr Caroline Noller, head of corporate responsibility at co-lead sponsor GPT Group, said: "This super fund has embraced the principles of ethical investment more than any other in Australia–and in a way that establishes alignment with the values represented by its industry.

"It was the first industry super fund to decide that putting all its money into ethical investments was not at odds with its fiduciary duty to maximize returns."

The Ethical Investor Fund of the Year, as judged by Lonsec, is Australian Ethical Equities Trust (AEF.ASX). Writing in the upcoming edition of Ethical Investor Steve Sweeney, senior investment analyst at Lonsec, said the fund scored highly on the depth of socially responsible investment and was a clear outperformer over the assessed period.

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