Will Obama Appoint a 'Climate Czar'

Published on: November 6, 2008

President-elect Barack Obama could send a message to the world by creating a "climate czar" cabinet position to take responsibility for shaping U.S. and world policy on addressing global climate change.

The position would oversee collaboration between the Environmental Protection Agency, the Interior Department and other agencies that would play a key role in reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases.

"What Obama understands is that dealing with the transition to a new energy economy is the centerpiece for getting the economy moving again," said Alden Meyer, director of strategy and policy at the Union of Concerned Scientists.

"I think they need to make clear who’s running the show on these issues," Meyer said by telephone. "It’s got to be someone who has the trust and ear of the president, someone who’s positioned in the White House and someone who has the authority to get the agencies to cooperate on running the agenda. That’s a heavy lift."

Some have suggested former Vice President Al Gore would be a natural selection for the position, or New Mexico governor Bill Richardson.

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