Rep. Waxman Wants Dingell's Chair

Published on: November 10, 2008

An Associated Press report this weekend confirmed rumors that U.S. Representative Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) wants to replace John Dingell (D-Mich) as the chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

The report suggests that Waxman has the support of more liberal democrats and environmentalists who want to pursue aggressive climate change legislation. However, if he should take control of this important committee, bipartisan support could be lost for future energy and climate change legislation. 

Dingell is a moderate Democrat and a long-time supporter of the power and auto industries. He has the support of key Republican representatives, many of whom hold seats on his committee.

Last month, Dingell and Rep. Rick Boucher (D-Va.) unveiled a draft climate change bill to cut greenhouse gases 80% by 2050, in line with president-elect Barack Obama’s stated objective. 

Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) have thus far stayed out of the power struggle, which could significantly alter the legislative prospects for a major climate-change bill in the next Congress. 

The 69-year-old Waxman is currently the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which has spent the past two years investigating the Bush administration’s questionable actions, as well as steroids in sports and, most recently, abuses behind the financial collapse.

He wrote a global warming bill last year that attracted 155 Democratic co-sponsors, but fell way short of the 218 needed to pass the House.

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