IBM, EDF To Collaborate on Smart Grid Research

Published on: November 26, 2008

IBM (NYSE: IBM) last week announced a collaboration with French electric utility EDF (EDF.P) to conduct research on smart grids.

EDF and IBM will work together to develop high performance computing solutions for complex power management systems.

EDF expects that this common initiative will increase its ability to further advance the efficiency of its power plants.

"Unlocking the answers to sustainable energy will require extensive collaboration between the scientific and business communities, and new approaches in technology," said John E. Kelly III, senior vice president and director of IBM Research. "This ambitious initiative between EDF and IBM brings together the right expertise and will explore how to apply technologies with new intelligence to seek significant improvements in energy efficiency and alternative energy."

IBM expects that its work with EDF will help advance IBM’s systems, software, middleware and applications capabilities in its Power Generation, Intelligent Utility Network and Advanced Water Management solutions, as well as many other industrial, environmental and research activities.

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