Clear Skies Solar Launches Carbon 612 Corporation

Published on: November 11, 2008

Clear Skies Solar (OTCBB:CSKH), a developer of solar energy products in the U.S. and abroad, announced the launch of Carbon 612 Corporation, a subsidiary which was created to commercialize the company’s proprietary technologies.

Carbon 612 will offer full-service energy monitoring internationally via its in-house designed and produced XTRAX® system, a patented device that provides accurate readings of energy produced by a solar photovoltaic system.

As net metering programs become increasingly popular across the U.S., verifying exact solar energy production levels has become similarly important as a means of legitimatizing the renewable energy credit programs.

The XTRAX® program is the first of its kind to handle the trading of carbon credits, renewable energy credits (RECs) and the comprehensive billing procedures associated with this service. Currently, energy production from sub-100 kilowatt solar installations are only estimated, leaving carbon credit aggregators with unverified production values that can result in substantial financial loss for the owner of the system. With Carbon 612’s XTRAX®, production values can be guaranteed to be accurate, taking any uncertainties out of the equation.

"The XTRAX® system will revolutionize energy monitoring. Currently, in the U.S. and abroad there’s no technology in place that monitors the exact amount of energy produced by a solar PV system. This often causes a disconnect between the utility companies and the solar energy system when it comes to energy credit distribution. With XTRAX®, we’ll no longer have that problem," says Ezra Green, Chairman and CEO.

XTRAX® was designed to maximize data management efficiency by removing all the unnecessary fields and concentrating solely on production values. Because XTRAX® transmits on a cellular phone frequency as well as satellite, clients are guaranteed an unprecedented level of reliability at an extremely affordable price. The comprehensive XTRAX® program will be the first of its kind in the U.S. that will fully support the energy production industry.

The XTRAX® hardware was conceived, designed and built in its entirety in-house which makes the cost of the unit, designed specifically for the mass markets, particularly low. The XTRAX® unit and Carbon 612’s entire XTRAX® program are designed specifically for the sub-100KW market, targeting the underserved small residential and commercial markets. The advantage of XTRAX® is its ability to autonomously monitor monthly output and distribute verified data accordingly, compiling and preparing it ready for trade.

Among the unique elements of the Carbon 612 plan is that customers will incur no out-of-pocket expenses for XTRAX® monitoring. This is made possible though Carbon 612’s model of producing revenues through monthly monitoring fees supported entirely by RECs or carbon credits. Additional revenues will be generated through XTRAX® licensing fees paid by remediation companies, pollution control authorities, demand reduction programs, water management, oil production and general monitoring services.

With over 100,000 solar PV installations that produce fewer than 120,000 KWhs a year, the annual market for XTRAX® in the U.S. exceeds $20 million in monitoring and support fees. The XTRAX® technology in its entirety will open up the billion dollar market previously unavailable through current methods due to the high cost of support. Additionally, the XTRAX® system can also provide monitoring of energy production from wind, solar-thermal, geo-thermal, tidal and other types of facilities and installations that are fossil-fuel independent.

About Clear Skies Solar

Clear Skies Solar, Inc. provides full-service renewable energy solutions to commercial, industrial, and agricultural clients across the country. CSS was incorporated in 2003 and launched formal operations in 2005.

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