Beijing Conference To Promote International Technology Fund

Published on: November 7, 2008

China is stepping up to play a larger role in international negotiations to address climate change, beginning in Beijing today, where the nation hosts a two-day conference to promote a new multi-billion-dollar international fund to invest in climate friendly technology in the developing world.

Thus far, China has not taken a very active role in negotiations, preferring instead to let other developing nations, like India and Brazil, defend the interests of the third world. But China is under increasing external and internal pressure to address environmental issues, and it appears ready to take a leadership role. 

And with U.S. president-elect Barack Obama promising action on climate change, expectations will rise for China as well, which surpassed the U.S. this year to become the largest emitter of greenhouse gases.

China remains firmly set against binding caps on its emissions. But experts shaping Beijing’s negotiating position said it could move faster to curb global warming pollution–if the rich countries commit to more technology transfers and funding.

Reuters interviewed, Zou Ji, a professor at Renmin University in Beijing involved in shaping China’s plan, who gave a few more details about China’s negotiating stance, which is likely to be clearer after this weekend’s conference.

Link to the interview below.

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