Solibro To Build CIGS Factory in Germany

Published on: October 13, 2008

Joint solar venture Solibro GmbH announced that it will build its new manufacturing plant for photovoltaic modules, with a production capacity of 90 megawatts (MW), in Solar Valley Thalheim in Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Germany. Solibro is investing approx.imately 165 million euro in the factory, which will create 250 new solar jobs in the region. This will increase the overall capacity of Solibro GmbH at its Bitterfeld-Wolfen site to a total of 135 MW.

Building is expected to start by the end of the year and the delivery of modules is planned to begin in 4Q09.

This includes short approval periods and the support of the local authorities, as well as the promotion of research and development and the qualification of employees in solar technology by the local government of Saxony-Anhalt. It is also this support that has seen the "Solar Valley Thalheim" become a major skill center of the photovoltaic industry.

"This expansion will secure the future of the company in a rapidly expanding market and an extremely competitive environment", stated Dr. Johannes Segner, COO of Solibro." Our focus is on the acceleration of various research and development projects aimed at improving the efficiency of both production and our modules. We are also introducing comprehensive steps for the further qualification of our employees to ensure they are at the top of their field."

About Solibro

Solibro GmbH is a joint venture between Germany’s Q-Cells AG (QCE.DE) and Sweden’s Solibro AB with the objective to commercialize CIGS thin film solar modules. The company expects to benefit from the combination of Solibro’s thin-film CIGS technology and the commercial and industrial backing of Q-Cells.

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