Michael Pollan Writes to President-Elect

Published on: October 15, 2008

Michael Pollan, best-selling author of The Omnivore’s Dilemma and In Defense of Food, has written an extended letter to the president elect, published in The New York Times and online at AlterNet.org.

In the letter he states that "the era of cheap and abundant food" is coming to an end and that the nation’s food system is now a "critical issue of national security."

Those who have read Pollan’s work will not be surprised to find that he goes into great detail outlining the challenges facing the food supply in America and abroad. We can only hope that the next presidential administration will take note of this piece, which explains not only how we have arrived at these dire straits, but also provides possible solutions.

With this publication, Pollan again proves that he is one of the most important voices in the movement for sustainability.

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