Combined Heat and Power Underutilized in U.S. – Report

Published on: October 6, 2008

The United States has a long history of using Combined Heat and Power
(CHP) and District Heating and Cooling (DHC). 8% of
U.S. electricity generation is provided by 85 gigawatts of installed CHP capacity, the largest installed capacity in
the world, according to a new International Energy Agency (IEA) report.

there is much greater potential for CHP and DHC, according to the IEA.
These relatively simple technologies could be tapped by a more active
government policy focus to address key barriers such as lack of
recognition of CHP in greenhouse gas (GHG) regulation, and lack of
economical procedures for interconnecting CHP to the power grid,
according to the report.

"Combined Heat and Power
(CHP)/District Heating and Cooling (DHC) Country Scorecard: United States" finds that several US
States are playing a key role in adopting innovative policy solutions, like providing incentives for CHP via
inclusion in portfolio standard mandates and other programmes. The report gives the U.S. a "3 star" rating (out
of 5) for its efforts.

CHP and DHC are existing technologies that offer substantial energy supply efficiency and greenhouse gas
(GHG) reduction benefits. As such, the IEA is providing advice to the G8 nations on how to increase the use of
CHP/DHC by analysing lessons learned in CHP markets, technologies and policies in leading countries,
including the United States.

Each Scorecard evaluates the country’s success in achieving increased use of
CHP and DHC.
For more information about CHP/DHC applications and markets, promotion policies, environmental benefits,
stakeholders and barriers, see the complete CHP/DHC Country Scorecard: United States, available on the IEA

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