Britain To Cut Emissions 80% by 2050

Despite a growing reluctance
among some European Union countries to push forward with the fight
against climate change, Britain will set a goal of reducing greenhouse
gas emissions 80% by 2050, Climate Minister Ed Miliband said on

Britain is taking bold leadership, aiming for the 80% goal
recommended by climage change scientists, even as many countries fear
their economies cannot afford to adopt low-carbon practices.

Miliband however, asserted that the costs of not fighting climage change would be even greater.

"In tough economic times, some people will ask whether we should
retreat from our climate change objectives," he told Britain’s
Parliament. "In tough economic times, some people will ask whether we
should retreat from our climate change objectives," he told Britain’s

Miliband also said he would amend a new UK energy law being
debated to introduce ‘feed in’ tariffs for small-scale renewable energy

Britain is still working out the details on its Climate Change plan,
which is expected to put tough caps on carbon emissions. It is
considering providing financial protection for some of its heaviest
industries, which are also its largest polluters.

In Related News…

A link has been established between the European Union and Kyoto
protocol carbon trading schemes. The long-awaited link allows companies
to purchase carbon emission permits from either system, which analysts
believe will cut the costs of compliance for European companies, which
will now have access to cheaper offsets created in developing nations
around the world. 

Read the Reuters coverage.

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