Solar to Produce 2600 Terrawatt-Hours by 2030 – Report

Published on: September 2, 2008

Solar electricity can contribute largely to the energy needs of two-thirds of the world’s population–including those in remote areas–by 2030, according to a new report.

The Solar Generation report, published by Greenpeace and the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), estimates that by 2030, more than 1800 gigawatts (GW) of photovoltaic systems will have been installed worldwide. This represents over 2600 terrawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity produced per year, or 14% of global electricity demand.

This is enough power to supply over 1.3 billion people in developed areas and over 3 billion people in remote rural areas who currently have no access to mains electricity.

"Solar photovoltaic electricity has the potential to supply energy to over 4 billion people by 2030 if adequate policy measures are put in place today," said Ernesto Macias.

The Solar Generation scenario also shows how solar electricity will contribute towards creating green-collar jobs. Currently, almost 120,000 people have solar jobs; most of the jobs–involving the installation, maintenance and sale of PV systems–are created locally and boost local economies.

In 2020, over 2 million people are expected to be working in the sector. By 2030, employment in the sector could account for almost 10 million people worldwide.

Today, the majority of installed PV systems benefit from well-designed grant support, in particular the feed-in tariff mechanism. This provides fair remuneration to the investor, and rewards the effort made in investing in a clean energy source. Solar energy is becoming more economically viable and should become cost-competitive with conventional energy by 2015 in southern European countries and by 2020 across most of Europe, the report said.

The future renewable energy sources Directive at EU level is expected to reinforce the current legal framework and could facilitate the implementation of the feed-in tariff scheme throughout Europe.

"The ball is now in the hands of European decision-makers who can take the opportunity this new Directive presents to show Europe’s leadership in the development of renewable energy sources," Macias concluded.

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