Solar Thin Films Schedules Delivery for Spanish Plant

Published on: September 11, 2008

Solar Thin Films, Inc, a manufacturer of equipment for the production of amorphous silicon (a-Si) photovoltaic modules, has received $3.6 million from Grupo Unisolar, S.A., against the $12.3 million contract to build a 5-megawatts (MW) turn-key a-Si module thin-film photovoltaic manufacturing plant in Spain.

With this 30% deposit, Solar Thin Films says that the company has moved beyond the planning stage, and has begun to fulfill the contract.

Delivery and installation is expected to commence in late 2008 and to be completed during 2009. Solar Thin Films will receive an additional 50% of the $12.3 million dollar purchase price upon delivery of the equipment throughout 2009, and the remaining 20% upon completion and acceptance.

Under the terms of the turnkey sale, Solar Thin Films will also provide certain installation and testing services to Grupo Unisolar.

"This plant is another opportunity for Solar Thin Films to demonstrate its capabilities and process expertise in producing a complete line of cost-efficient manufacturing equipment for the production of thin-film amorphous silicon modules. The environmental and cost advantages of thin-film a-Si over crystalline silicon and other thin-film technologies is creating many opportunities for us to expand our share of the photovoltaics market and establish Solar Thin Films as a clear leader in supplying cost-effective, thin-film photovoltaic module manufacturing equipment. As thin-film technology continues to advance we anticipate it will play an increasing role relative to crystalline silicon and garner a growing share of the solar power market," concluded Lewis.

About Solar Thin Films

Solar Thin Films develops, manufactures and markets a complete line of manufacturing equipment for the production of "thin-film" amorphous silicon modules, together with a subsidiary based in Budapest, Hungary. Personnel associated with the company have been responsible for the setup of nearly a dozen amorphous silicon photovoltaic factories worldwide. The Company sells both "turnkey systems" to customers including CG Solar in China and Grupo Unisolar in Spain, and contracted equipment to customers including EPV Solar (Hamilton, NJ, USA)

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