Saft, Conergy, Tenesol to Test Batteries for Solar

Published on: September 2, 2008

Saft (Euronext: SAFT), Conergy (CGY.DE) and Tenesol have announced the launch of Solion, a Franco-German project dedicated to the development of a new concept in energy conversion and storage for grid connected photovoltaic systems.

The objective of the Solion partnership is to develop an integrated energy kit able to be produced on an industrial scale for decentralized on-grid, residential PV systems. This project will introduce large lithium-ion batteries into PV systems on a large test-scale in Europe. 75 systems will be deployed in Germany and France in an effort to test battery life in demanding environmental conditions.

These trials hope to validate the performance of the system, its economic viability, the added value of energy storage in an on-grid PV system and the benefits for stakeholders. Storage will enable solar energy to be "time shifted" to periods of peak demand or when there is no sun in order to allow self consumption or grid support. Today, grid-connected PV systems, without energy storage, are directly fed in.

Solion has been recognized by the Eureka/Eurogia and Tenerrdis programs, and is supported by the French Ministry of Economy Finance and Employment (DGE) and the German Ministry of Environment (BMU). A German utility (E-ON), three German research institutes (ISEA, ISET & ZSW) and one French research institute (INES -CEA) are associated with this project.

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