Rajendra Pachauri Re-Elected Chairman of IPCC

Published on: September 3, 2008

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) re-elected chairman Rajendra Pachauri to a second term, according to an AFP report.

Pachauri was first elected chairman in 2002 and led the panel through the development of its influential 2007 reports on the risks of global climate change. 

The reports stated that without swift measure to curb the planet’s rising temperatures, the earth’s climate system would undergo potentially catastrophic changes.

The organization won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 along with former U.S. Vice President Al Gore.

At a ceremony celebrating the 20th anniversary of the IPCC, UN Secretar-General Ban Ki-moon said the international community "will continue to look to the IPCC for guidance on the science and policy prescriptions needed to effectively address the obstacles ahead."

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