Norway To Give $1B To Brazil's Deforestation Fund

Published on: September 17, 2008

Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said yesterday his nation will give Brazil $1 billion by 2015, if it is able to reduce deforestation of its Amazon rain forest. 

Norway is the first country to commit significant funds to reducing deforestation as part of a larger battle against global climate change.

Last month Brazil created a fund in the hopes of raising $21 billion to help it protect forests against logging and the spread of agriculture, which is estimated to claim an area of forest the size of one-and-a-half football fields every minute.

Norway will give Brazil $21 million this year and $210 million next year. But the Scandanavian nation said it would only donate the full $1 billion if Brazil is able to demonstrate a reduction in deforestation.

Stoltenberg said Norway will develop a system for tracking deforestation in addition to Brazil’s annual statistics.

According to reports, Germany and two other unnamed countries also intend to donate to Brazil’s fund.

To date, an area of the Amazon equal in size to Western Europe has been
stripped of its forests, which help to reduce global warming by
removing the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the air.

Read the full Associated Press report.

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Comments on “Norway To Give $1B To Brazil's Deforestation Fund”

  1. Ezzelj

    as an African Enviromental expert,iam so happy to hear question is simple:why 1 billion Usdollars for brazil and nothing for Africa.The African equatorial forest need more money than the brazilian one.Also, most of the African Presidents i met are ready to make a deal ,but without help and money they will not stop the deforestation.
    what a pitty
    who can make his hand with me to get some funds for Africa?


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