DOE Provides $7M for Technology Commercialization

Published on: September 2, 2008

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)  announced the availability of up to $7 million to accelerate the movement of clean energy technologies from DOE’s national laboratories to the marketplace.

The funding will help post-research technologies move toward commercial viability by providing pre-venture capital funding for activities such as prototype development, demonstration projects and market research.

“Our DOE National Laboratories are responsible for incredible innovation, from new efficiency technologies and biofuels to solar energy. This funding for technology commercialization will help bridge the gap between our labs and American consumers,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary John Mizroch.  “It is absolutely critical that we move clean energy technologies to market at a rate and scale that is commensurate to the magnitude of the problem–our environmental well being, national security, and economic competitiveness are waiting for it.”

Seven DOE National Laboratories have been selected to receive funding based on submitted applications:

  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory    $1.5 Million
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory    $1.5 Million
  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory    $1.5 Million
  • Argonne National Laboratory    $0.7 Million
  • Sandia National Laboratory    $0.7 Million
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory     $0.5 Million
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory     $0.6 Million

DOE said these funds for technology commercialization will accelerate progress by encouraging private industry to partner with DOE’s National Laboratories to ultimately bring new clean energy and energy efficiency technologies to market.

The commercialization funds are intended to be spent only on activities such as prototype development, demonstration and deployment–not on further research and development.

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