Con Edison Installs 'Green Roof' In New York

Published on: September 4, 2008

Power utility Con Edison, a subsidiary of Consolidated Edison, Inc. (NYSE: ED), installed its first "green roof," on the company’s three-story Learning Center training and conference facility in Long Island City, New York. Con Edison expects the green roof to improve air quality and to conserve energy by reducing the amount of heat absorbed by conventional roofs.

More than 21,000 plants occupy over a quarter acre of the Learning Center’s roof top. The plants absorb heat, keeping the building cooler and reducing the need for air conditioning. The roof is projected to save up to 30% of the Learning Center’s peak-cooling costs.

The green roof demonstration, a collaborative effort with Columbia University’s Center for Climate Systems Research, will evaluate the benefits of the green roof and measure energy savings, roof surface temperatures, and air quality improvements.

The green roof also benefits the environment by absorbing and retaining rainwater from heavy rains, known as storm water runoff. Storm water runoff can overwhelm the City’s sewer system, and potentially cause untreated sewage to overflow into local waterways. The company anticipates the green roof will retain 305 to 70% of storm water runoff, releasing water slowly into the drainage system.

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