Another Offshore Wind Farm In the Works for Long Island

Published on: September 25, 2008

The Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) is considering another proposal to build an offshore wind farm. This time 10 miles off south shore of Queens, according to the New York Times.

A year ago, LIPA withdrew an $800 million proposal to build a windfarm near Jones Beach, due in part to public opposition to the plan.

But public opinion has changed significantly towards renewable energy, just within the last year, and LIPA will work with utility Con Edison to study the feasibility of an even larger wind farm over the next few months, it said on Tuesday.

“If this is doable, we and Con Edison can share the cost and the power,” said Kevin S. Law, the authority’s chief executive, who also serves on New York governor David A. Paterson’s renewable energy task force. “If we could make this big enough, we could send power east and west.”

Read the full report.

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