New York City Clears Summer Streets

Published on: August 13, 2008

New York City began a new program last weekend called Summer Streets, closing seven miles of streets so that bicyclists, walkers and joggers could enjoy a traffic- and noise-free section of the city.

The program will continue for the next two Saturdays, August 16th and 23rd, from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m., as vehicle traffic will be replaced along seven miles of City streets by New Yorkers and visitors taking leisurely strolls, going for a bike ride or taking part in organized activities such as aikido, salsa dancing, tai-chi, running, rollerblading and hopscotch.

Summer Streets will be open from the Brooklyn Bridge to Central Park along Lafayette Street, 4th Avenue, Park Avenue and 72nd Street.

"We’re going to embark on a grand experiment that could dramatically alter the way we use and look at the streets of New York," said Mayor Michael Bloomberg. "Streets that are normally tied up with cars and trucks will be turned over to the public–so that we can experience this city as never before. If the program works, we’ll strongly consider doing it again; maybe we’ll try it in other parts of the city. If it doesn’t work, we won’t, but we can’t be afraid to find out."

Organized activities and other attractions will take place throughout the route. DOT will provide free bike helmets at 24th Street for adults and children from 9 a.m. to noon, as supplies last. New York Road Runners will be leading running groups for all ages and ability levels, and Bike New York will be holding bike riding classes for children and adults.

Three rest stops will be located along the route in addition to a main stage at 24th Street, which will feature music performances and other programs.

Activities are diverse and each rest stop includes a full schedule. For instance, the downtown rest stop at Spring Street will include an aikido class beginning at 10 a.m. while the uptown rest stop will feature a cha-cha class in that time slot. Program schedules will run from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.

There will be opportunities to rent or test ride bikes along the route. And for people who come with bikes there will be bike repair provided at each rest stop to ensure everyone can keep rolling along smoothly. Bicycle Habitat will be providing bike repair along the route, and bike sharing will be provided by Bike and Roll. Bike New York and the 5 Boro Bike Club will be leading classes and sharing tips about how to ride safely in New York City.

Report: NYC Climate Change Perils

In related news, Mayor Bloomberg yesterday announced an in-depth study of the dangers New York City faces from climate change, ranging from flooding to overheated subways.

"There are costs to adapting to climate change … By planning now, we can reduce our exposure to weather-related events," the mayor said.

A task force has been created to devise safeguards for the city’s roads, bridges, tunnels, mass transit, water and sewer lines, and power and telecommunications system.

Read the Reuters report.



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