IBM Offers New Green Consultancy Service

Published on: August 19, 2008

IBM (NYSE: IBM) is offering a new consulting service to help clients lower their environmental impact, increase efficiency and reduce costs associate with energy and water usage throughout their operations.

IBM’s Green Sigma consulting service is based on Lean Six Sigma, a
popular business strategy for analyzing operations to improve overall
efficiency, lower costs and increase quality.

The new service applies these principles wherever energy and water
are used throughout a client’s operations–transportation systems,
datacenters and IT systems, manufacturing and distribution centers,
office facilities, retail space, research and development sites, etc.

"There’s a fundamental truth to understanding and improving any aspect of a company’s performance–if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it." said Dave Lubowe, global leader of IBM’s operations strategy consulting practice. "This applies as much to a company’s energy and water consumption as it does to anything else, and our new offering can help clients apply this principle to make their businesses greener."

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