Environment America Endorses Obama

Published on: August 21, 2008

Environment America this week endorsed Barack Obama for President, citing his clear and bold solutions to the nation’s current energy woes and strong commitment to the protection of our environment.

Environment America’s endorsement is backed by the federation of 26
state environmental organizations with more than 750,000 members and

"Senator Obama has publicly committed to fully addressing the pressing problem of global warming and moving the United States toward a new energy future. He has made clean energy one of the top issues of his campaign and as a public servant representing Illinois at the state and federal levels has a long and consistent record of supporting the environment," said Margie Alt, Executive Director of Environment America.

Over his career as a U.S. Senator Obama has voted with Environment America 86% of the time, including achieving a 90% on the 2008 Environment America Congressional scorecard, the group said.

By comparison, Senator McCain has an extremely disappointing lifetime voting score of 30% for votes scored by Environment America. John McCain has voted against requiring polluters to pay for clean-up of toxic waste sites; he voted against the public’s right to know about pollution in their communities; and Senator McCain has voted to weaken safe drinking water protections, the group said.

"Despite his willingness to buck his party on the existence of global warming which we very much appreciate, John McCain just isn’t the president we need to reverse eight years of the anti-environmental Bush Administration" noted Alt

Environment America has prepared a report on the environmental records of both candidates, including their lifetime environmental voting records which is available online.

"Life does not afford us many opportunities to significantly alter the course of future events for all of the natural world and the health of all Americans. As our staff and members work day in and day out to protection the environment, we recognize that this election and Barack Obama are just such an opportunity. Thus we aggressively have committed ourselves to do our part to ensure that this opportunity for change becomes a reality," said Alt.

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