Solar Semiconductor, IBC Solar Sign Supply Deal

Published on: July 22, 2008

Solar Semiconductor, a producer of photovoltaic (PV) modules,  announced a strategic partnership with IBC SOLAR AG, a  distributor and systems integrator of solar PV products in Europe. This strategic partnership is valued at more than US$575 million over the next three years.

"We have been growing rapidly in the recent years and will continue that growth in the coming years. So it is essential for IBC SOLAR AG that we have a stable supplier of high quality modules, whose growth plans and product road map align well with our own growth plans and requirements. In Solar Semiconductor, we have found a strong partner willing to listen and respond to varying requirements of our customers." commented Mr. Christian Lieberth, Vice President Purchasing & Product Management of IBC SOLAR AG.

About Solar Semiconductor

Solar Semiconductor produces PV modules using mono- and multi-crystalline cells and offers its products and services to the worldwide solar PV module market. As a socially responsible, global energy producer, Solar Semiconductor offers an unwavering commitment to its customers. Awarded the  ISO 9001 certification for its automated manufacturing plant Solar Semiconductor focuses its attention on customers’ power and efficiency needs for today and tomorrow.

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