Pacific Coast States Join B.C. To Form New Regional Collaboration

Published on: July 3, 2008

A new Pacific Coast Collaborative agreement between British Columbia, Washington, California, Oregon and Alaska has been initiated to facilitate co-operation on regional goals including clean energy, transportation and the development of environmental goods and services.

The partnership was announced this week by B.C. Premier Gordon
Campbell, Washington Governor Chris Gregoire, California Governor
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski and Alaska
Governor Sarah Palin.

It is designed to be a "forum for leadership, co-operative action,
and a common voice on issues affecting the Pacific coast region,"
according to a release.

"In a world with increasingly complex challenges such as dealing
with climate change, ocean health, security, or regional economic
growth and stability, we require solutions that are global, regional,
and local," said Governor Gregoire.

The collaboration continues to tighten the regions bonds, as most of the jurisdictions are also members of the Western Climate Initiative, created to address climate change, and the Pacific NorthWest Economic Region, a group created to enhance business development in the region.

The main areas of concern for the Pacific Coast Collaborative are clean energy, regional transportation, research and development, a sustainable economy and emergency management.

"One state alone cannot solve the fight against climate change, or protect our entire ocean, or clean the air we all share – but together, we have the tremendous power to protect our environment," Governor Schwarzenegger said. "That’s why these partnerships are so important–they allow us to team up to really protect our precious resources, forests, our oceans and more in a regional approach."

The Pacific Coast Collaborative will meet at least once a year, with the chair and the meeting location rotating annually through each jurisdiction.

The plan to build the Pacific Coast Collaborative was announced in the British Columbia Speech from the Throne in 2007.

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