One More Senate Vote, One More Failure on Tax Incentives

Published on: July 31, 2008

The Senate failed again yesterday (for the fourth time this summer) to pass a cloture motion needed to move forward on a bill that would have extended tax incentives for the renewable energy industry. 

This time the vote fell nine short of the 60 needed. 

Senate Republicans and Democrats say they are willing to negotiate a compromise, but it is unlikely that it will happen before the legislators leave on recess–if at all. 

It appears that Republicans will not sign off on extensions for the tax credits, which are due to expire at the end of the year, unless Democrats agree to lift the ban on off-shore oil exploration and drilling for oil shale in the Rocky Mountains.

Democrats and environmentalists oppose increased oil exploration and insist that oil companies should make full use of the oil fields currently available to them.


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