Collapse of WTO Talks Bad Sign for Climate Negotiations

Published on: July 31, 2008

The collapse of world trade talks is a bad sign for climate change
negotiations and an indication that Western nations are no longer the
exclusive holders of economic and global influence, according to a Reuters report

World Trade Organization (WTO) talks fell apart in Geneva on Tuesday,
calling into question whether or not it is possible for the
international community to come to an agreement by the end of 2009 on a
successor treaty to the Kyoto Protocol, which aims to reduce worldwide
greenhouse gas emissions.

Similar to the issues facing climate change negotiations, the
Doha round of WTO negotiations broke down over a dispute betwen the
U.S. and big emerging economies, like India, Brazil and China.

At the center of the extremely complex negotiations, is a push
to open global markets for agricultural and manufactured goods, as well
as cross-border services. But India could not come to an agreement with
the U.S. over protection for its agricultural industry and last minute
objections by China brought the talks to a halt.

"It will greatly undermine trust in multilateral goodwill," said Mark
Halle of the International Institute for Sustainable Development.
"Nobody thinks we can get a climate deal without overcoming the deep
mistrust in the developing world."

"We have missed a chance to seal the first global pact of a
reshaped world order," said the European Union’s trade negotiator Peter
Mandelson. "We would all have been winners from a Doha deal. Without
one we all lose."

A separate article discusses how negotiators could attempt to move forward and pick up the pieces.

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